Wisconsin Awarded 2021 Young Republican State Federation of the Year

Join other Young Republicans 18-40 years of age in the top State Federation in the nation. YRs in this state made over 3.2 million voter contacts to turnout Republicans in an incredible show of force. For all our efforts, we were nominated and awarded the “Big Cup” at the 2021 YRNF National Convention in Indy. We truly are leading the way NOW in the Republican Party!

As the premier gathering place of conservative young professionals in their 20s & 30s from various industries and backgrounds, we strive to provide new and current members with the ability to network with like-minded individuals, political knowledge, and an understanding of the issues of the day so we become more effective voters and members of our communities.

Our goal is to grow the number of active WIYR members who will continue to push positive results and build upon our proven track record of electing Republicans at the local, state, and national level. Join us today for just $20 to have a fun time, meet great people, and drive the change that will turn Wisconsin Red!

Kyle Schroeder, Chairman

Residence: Waukesha County
Education: B.A. in Political Science & Communication, Carroll University
Occupation: Insurance Agent
Political involvement: YRNF Midwest Regional Vice Chair, Legislative Assistant in the Wisconsin State Senate, Deputy Political Director for Rebecca for Governor, WIYR National Committeeman & Secretary, Waukesha YR Chair, WI Trump Victory Regional Field Director, US Senate Campaign Intern, Carroll University College Republicans





Residence: Waukesha County
Education: B.A., Carroll University
Occupation: Political Director, Schimel for Justice

Political involvement: Waukesha Young Republicans Chair. Former public policy researcher and advocate. Worked and volunteered for dozens of campaigns including Rebecca for Governor, Severson for Sheriff, Farrow for County Executive, and Rettinger for Assembly.

Noah Strohm,



Residence: Racine County
Education: University of Wisconsin-Parkside - B.S.N.
Occupation: Registered Nurse, Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center
Political involvement: Chair, Racine-Kenosha YR Chapter; National Committee; Volunteer with RPW, Racine County GOP, Walworth County GOP, and Bryan Steil for Congress

Christina Nelson, National Committeewoman

Residence: Milwaukee County
Education: B.S. Biochemistry
Occupation: Policy Advisor in the Wisconsin State Senate
Political involvement: Deputy Finance Director for Rebecca for Governor, WIYR Vice-Chair and Secretary, Campaign Manager for Horlacher for Judge, Melvin for Judge, Bonnie Lee for WI, and more.

Nik Rettinger,

YRNF Vice Chair/ Chairman Emeritus

Residence: Waukesha County
Education: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee – B.A., Political Science & History Double Major, International Studies Minor
Occupation: State Representative - 83rd Assembly District, Small Business Owner
Political Involvement: 4th Vice Chair, Republican Party of Wisconsin State Executive Committee; Fmr Chairman, 1st Congressional District GOP; Fmr 1st Vice Chairman, Republican Party of Waukesha County; Chairman, Waukesha County Young Republicans; Campaign Manager, State Senate & County Board Campaigns; Intern, US Senator Ron Johnson; Intern, Republican Party of Wisconsin; Chairman, UW-Waukesha College Republicans; President, UW-Milwaukee & UW-Waukesha Student Governments

Dane County

Mathew Jansen, Chair


North Woods

Marathon - Lincoln - Portage - Wood - Langlade

Landis Holdorf, chair


Greater Fox Valley

Jacob Floam, Chair


First Congressional District

Michael Hoffman, chair


Waukesha County

Benjamin Garbedian, chair


Greater Green Bay

William Terry, chair


Milwaukee County

Alyssa Rinelli, chair


Jefferson County

(Formerly Dodge & Fond du Lac County)

John Beauchamp, Chair


Washington County

Nolan Jackett, chair


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Thank you in your interest in helping the Wisconsin Young Republicans in our outreach. We look forward to meeting you!